• Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is a tool to resolve disputes and to foster partnership and Licensing Agreements.

    Introduction: Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are not just legal mechanisms for protecting innovative creations; they are powerful tools that can aid businesses in multiple ways. Among their many functions, IPR can be particularly valuable in resolving disputes, fostering partnerships and licensing agreements, and combatting counterfeiting and imitation. This article explores how startups and companies can…

  • AI and Patent Rights

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play a significant role in protecting patent rights in various ways in Prior Art Search, Automated Patent Classification, Predictive Analytics, Patent Infringement Detection, Intellectual Property management, Natural Language Processing, Patent Valuation, Automated Legal Research, Monitoring Competitive Patents, Patent Prioritization, IP Portfolio Optimization, Streamlined Administrative Tasks, etc. Prior Art Search: AI-powered algorithms…

  • Understanding the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2023

    The Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2023 was passed by the Indian Parliament on July 31, 2023. The Act amends the Copyright Act, 1957, and introduces a number of new provisions to protect copyrights in India. Key amendments in the Copyright (Amendment) Act, 2023 include: Some additional details about the key amendments in the Copyright (Amendment) Act,…

  • The Copyright (Amendment) Rules, 2021

    The Copyright (Amendment) Rules, 2021 were notified by the Government of India on March 30, 2021. These rules make a number of changes to the Copyright Act, 1957, including changes to the definition of “copyright works,” the duration of copyright protection, and the procedures for dealing with copyright infringement. Some of the key changes introduced…

  • International Companies Filing Patents and Thriving in the Market

    Introduction: India has emerged as a hotbed of innovation, attracting numerous international companies seeking to tap into its vast talent pool and promising market opportunities. As a result, many global corporations have recognized the significance of protecting their intellectual property through patent filings in India. In this blog, we will explore some of the prominent…

  • Trademark Triumphs: How Startups Harness the Power of Branding for Success

    Example: 1 Startup Story: Apple Inc. was once a small startup founded in a garage by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne in 1976. They started by building and selling personal computers, and their innovative approach to technology soon gained attention. The Significance of Trademark: Apple recognized the importance of branding early on and…